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paragraph global warming | global warming paragraph

Global warming is a hike in the average global temperature on earth. Burning of excess fossil fuel and the release of toxic fumes into the atmosphere is the major cause behind global warming. Global warming can have disastrous effects on living organisms. The impacts of global warming are widespread and unspecific. Some areas experience a sudden rise in the temperature while others witness a sudden fall in it.The major reason for global warming is the burning of fossil fuel for energy. It has been noted that the average temperature on the earth has increased by 1.5 degrees Celsius in the past decade. This is a reason for worry as it can damage ecosystems and might result in the disruption of the environment. Global warming can be checked if we take concrete steps towards restoring the lost vegetation in our forests. We can also use clean energy sources like wind energy, solar energy, and tidal energy to check the rise in global warming.

paragraph globalization | globalization paragraph

Globalization has become a buzzword at the present world. It is a process of expanding trade and commerce all over the world by creating a border less market. There are many benefits of globalization. The world has come closer. Now, we can learn instantly what is happening in the farthest corner of the world and travel to any country in the shortest possible time. Countries of the world are like families in a village. The people of the world can easily exchange their joys, sorrows and emotions with each other. Thus, we have conquered distance and time. If one country is in distress, other can immediately come to its assistance. However, globalization has some demerits too. In the name of globalization, capitalist countries are enjoying more opportunities by exploiting the poor countries. It also affects our native culture. By watching satellite channels, our native culture is getting western culture day by day. However, we can make our world a better place by building up an atmosphere of mutual understanding and co-operation through globalization.

paragraph global village | global village paragraph

The term ‘global village’ was first used by Marshal McLuhan. In 1962 and 1964 he wrote two books on media and communication. In his books, he said that telephone, TV and electronic media have brought all mankind close to one another. For example, if we see the news of floods in a distant country on TV, we feel that we are also connected there. We can see that is happening at the same moment. We can share the same suffering with the people who are in real misery at the moment. McLuhan believed that electronic media would make the world a global village. When he first said about the idea of the global village, the Internet was not invented. But now, personal computers and the Internet have made McLuhan’s idea more correct than ever. Now the entire globe is chained in the world-wide-web called 'The Internet'.

global warming paragraph for hsc

Global warming is the cumulative rise in average global temperatures on earth measured over a long period. It has been attributed to the large scale deforestation by man for different purposes. We consume a lot of fuel annually. With an increase in the human population, it has become impossible to meet people’s fuel requirements. Natural resources are limited, and we must use them judiciously. If we exploit natural resources like forests and water bodies, it will create an imbalance in the ecosystem. Global warming is not limited to the rise in temperature. It has other effects too.Many parts of the world are witnessing natural disasters like hurricanes, floods, and avalanches. All these phenomena are a direct result of global warming. To prevent our environment from the harmful effects of global warming, we must restoring our ecosystem. Man has been exploiting natural resources without giving the environment anything in return. This needs to be stopped.

global warming paragraph for class 7

The earth is burning. And we are the reason behind it. An unprecedented rise in the global atmospheric temperature on earth can be termed as global warming. The average temperature on earth has increased by 1.5 degrees Celsius since the last decade. Global warming is not a single phenomenon; rather, a series of interlinked events that fuel the ultimate rise in global temperatures. It has a plethora of effects across different levels of the ecosystem. In some parts of the world, the effect is negligible, while in others, the effect is significant. Burning of fossil fuel and respiration by animals releases gases like carbon dioxide that escapes into the atmosphere.The heat rays reflecting from the surface of the earth get trapped in the atmosphere because of the carbon dioxide present in it.

What is global warming 200 words?

Global warming is a gradual increase in the temperature of the earth surface and atmosphere all around the world. It is caused due to the greenhouse effect of increased level of green house gases such as carbon dioxide, CFCs, etc. There are various types of pollutants also which involved in increasing the atmospheric temperature of the earth. Increasing use of fossil fuels by the people and deforestation is increasing carbon dioxide emissions which trap heat and cause greenhouse effect.Water vapor is also a significant greenhouse gas which is not directly produced by humankind but involve in global warming hugely. A slight increase in the level of CO2 causes marked increase in earth temperature.

How do you start a global warming paragraph?

Population growth is responsible for urbanization, deforestation, and industrialization which are causing global warming in many ways. More population leads towards the more utilization of technologies, fossil fuels, coal, gases, lubricate, etc which is big reason of carbon emission. Huge amount of CO2 is released due to various human activities such as burning of coal, oil, natural gases, deforestation, cooking food, etc. Whenever and wherever we use electricity we produce more CO2 and other green house gases.Global warming has now been a serious problem and we need to fight that with our positive and environment friendly activities. We need to take proper initiatives in order to save our mother earth and to do that we have to stop CO2 emission to a great extent. It is possible if we reduce the use of oil, fuel, coal, gases, etc and concentrate on renewable energy usage. Tree plantation is also a big positive initiation to reduce global warming as trees absorb CO2 in the environment and generate more oxygen; however, we need to bring a lot of habitual changes in our daily life.

What is global warming 7th class?

Global warming is the process of a slow yet steady increase in the earth’s surface temperature. This temperature increase is caused due to the greenhouse effect. The greenhouse effect is caused due to emission of gases like carbon dioxide and ozone, etc. Global warming has made some serious climatic changes on the planet.Still, there is a constant rise in the earth’s average surface temperature recorded every year. If the temperature continues to rise like this then within a couple of decades, the earth will become too hot to sustain life. Also, there will be widespread famine, droughts, floods, and other natural disasters.

What are the main causes of global warming paragraph?

Global warming is heating the planet by regular increase in the average temperature of Earth’s surface due to the release of excessive amount of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. There are various types of green house gases (such as carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, chloro floro carbon, sulphur, etc) playing a big role in enhancing the level of global warming. High temperature causes melting of ice and snow thus reduction in amount of ice and snow, change in water cycle, rise in sea level, change in climate, change in weather patterns, and lot of changes in the natural cycle which participate in the global warming. Such huge changing events have forced people to think seriously and take decisions against these changing patterns of environmental parameters.

global warming paragraph for class 9

Global warming is the all over rise in temperature of the earth surface. It has affected the environment and whole atmosphere and has resulted into the huge level climate change. A huge change in the earth’s climate system because of the global warming is observed in the recent past years. The effects of increased global temperature are melting ice, warmed continents, increasing sea level, seasonal changes, climate changes, changing precipitation, expansion of deserts in the subtropics regions, etc. Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) has reported in 2014 that according to scientists, global warming is mostly a human being created environmental issue. It is mainly caused by ever increasing level of greenhouse gases on the earth.

paragraph global warming class 7

Global warming is working like a demon on the earth as it is warming the planet continuously year by year. Actually, global warming is not created itself, it is a man created demon affecting the whole world gradually but regularly. There is an increase in temperature of the whole planet by around 0.8 degree Celsius however it is estimated to be raised more by the end of 21st century (around 2-5 degree Celsius). Global warming is a big trouble to all of us and animals including plants and other living beings.Global warming is getting worse day by day because of the phenomenon known as greenhouse effect. Greenhouse effect is caused by the green house gases like carbon dioxide and methane which trap heat inside and make earth’s environment hotter.

paragraph global warming for hsc

Global warming is slowly but constantly heating the planet from North Pole to South Pole because of increasing temperature of the earth surface. Effects of rising temperature are happening in more dangerous way day by day and affecting the natural resources very badly. It is not good sign for the whole planet and living beings on the earth. This increasing heat is not only affecting the ecosystem but also melting glaciers at the Earth’s poles, melting sea ice and ice sheets, changing precipitation patterns (rainfall and snowfall), extinction of animals, and many more.The water level in sea is rising in very fast way over the last century. Some of the insects, animals and plants (butterflies, foxes, and alpine) are on the way of extinction or moved to the cooler areas.

global warming paragraph for class 10

Global warming is one of the big environmental problems in current time. According to the researchers, heating impact, caused by excessive emission of greenhouse gases, is the main reason of global warming. It is very dangerous and harmful to the existence of life in future on the earth. Because of global warming, sea level is increasing regularly which is creating the fear of flood in lower lying coastal areas and cities. Because of flood, some countries may finish completely in the near future. It is changing the weather patterns regularly; due to this some places at earth are facing severe drought, flood, and various uncommon weather conditions.Carbon dioxide is one of the main green house gases, the increased amount of which is causing a warming effect on the earth surface which in turn causes evaporation of more water and creates water vapor (a type of greenhouse gas).

essay on global warming in 250 words

Global warming means a rise in surface temperature of the earth. This rise in temperature is mainly caused due to the greenhouse effect. It is an effect where the heat is trapped into the earth’s surface. Gases like carbon dioxide (CO2) and Ozone (O3) prevent the heat from escaping and therefore called greenhouse gases. Activities like fossil fuel burning and production produce greenhouse gases as byproducts. When the concentration of these gases increases in the atmosphere, they cause more and more greenhouse effect.Thus, the temperature of the earth rises continuously. This continuous rise in temperature is called global warming and is responsible for many significant changes in climate and biodiversity. The effects of global warming have been very clear in some places on the globe.

paragraph on global warming in 150 words

Global warming is the increase in the average temperature of the earth’s atmosphere. It is caused by the rise in carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere, which leads to an increase in temperature. Global warming has been accelerated due to mass deforestation activities by man. Plants use carbon dioxide to prepare their food and release oxygen as a by-product. So, if we have enough plants, they will absorb the excess carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and decrease the rate of global warming to some extent. Planting more trees can reduce the carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere and will result in a decrease in global warming.

global warming paragraph for class 6

Global Warming refers to the warming of the earth, that is, an increase in the surface temperature of the earth. This temperature increase is caused by a number of human activities like industrial emissions and fossil fuel burning. These activities generate gases which cause the greenhouse effect and consequently global warming.Global warming raises the average surface temperature of the earth, causing many undesirable effects. Some of the most significant effects of global warming are climate changes, famine, droughts, species depletion, etc. The temperature of the earth is steadily rising every year at a constant rate. Global warming is the most immediate threat to the earth and the life that it supports.

write a paragraph on global warming in 200 words

Every year the average surface temperature of the earth gets more than the previous year. Every year it gets warmer than the previous year. Since 1880 the average surface temperature of earth has increased by about 0.8°Celsius.The rate of warming has been around 0.15°-0.2°Celsius per decade. This is a global change in the earth’s temperature and must not be confused with local changes that we experience every day, during day and night, summer and winter, etc.The global average temperature of the earth mainly depends on the amount of heat it receives from the sun and what it radiates back into the atmosphere. The heat radiated back by the earth depends on the chemical composition of the atmosphere.

Tags: paragraph global warming,global warming paragraph,paragraph globalization,globalization paragraph,paragraph global village,global village paragraph,global warming paragraph for hsc,global warming paragraph for class 7,What is global warming 200 words?,How do you start a global warming paragraph?,What is global warming 7th class?,What are the main causes of global warming paragraph?,global warming paragraph for class 9,paragraph global warming class 7,paragraph global warming for hsc,global warming paragraph for class 10,essay on global warming in 250 words,paragraph on global warming in 150 words,global warming paragraph for class 6,write a paragraph on global warming in 200 words