Fear vs Respect Moral of the story | Fear vs Respect | moral stories in english Fear vs Respect



Fear vs Respect Moral of the story | Fear vs Respect | moral stories in english Fear vs Respect

Fear vs Respect

Long time ago very cruel king name Virat Singh was ruling the city of Vijay Nagar. All citizens were fearful because of his cruelty.

 Fear vs Respect Moral of the story | Fear vs Respect | moral stories in english Fear vs Respect

Virat has a dog named Jack, which he used to love more than anything, one fateful morning Jack died. Virat Singh organized last rituals for dog; entire city came to cremation ground. Virat Singh was very happy to see that people love him so much and he felt he is the most popular king in the world. After few days Virat Singh died, but no one came for his funerals.

 Fear vs Respect Moral of the story | Fear vs Respect | moral stories in english Fear vs Respect

Moral: Respect is something you have to earn, you cannot force it on others to respect you. There is a thin line between Fear and Respect, every one of us should understand it and do necessary corrections in our personalities.

tag: Fear vs Respect Moral of the story, Fear vs Respect, moral stories in english Fear vs Respect

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প্রতিদিন ১০০-২০০ টাকা ইনকাম করতে চাইলে এখানে কমেন্ট করে জানান। আমরা আপনায় কাজে নিয়ে নেবো। ধন্যবাদ

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